Djinni Integration
Програмний модуль для системи Odoo "Djinni Integration"
Версія Odoo:
Improve your HR recruitment processes using Odoo integration with Djinni
Integrate Odoo with HR service to improve your recruitment processes. Using this solution, you can publish vacancies, edit, activate/deactivate, and delete them. All vacancy data and job candidate information is uploaded to Odoo, and can be used by your recruitment managers.
Easy to activate and configure
Multi accounts support
Free 30 days support and 180 days bug-fixing
Demo & Test. Click on the "Live Preview" button
![Get the Djinni API key token for Odoo 17.0](/web/image/11697/odoo-djinni-get-api-key.png)
- Login - your Djinni login and password are used in this case.
- API Key - you need to specify your Djinni e-mail address and API key created in the previous step.
![Odoo Djinni recruitment account adding in 17.0](/web/image/11698/odoo-djinni-account-adding.png)
![Odoo Djinni vacancy list for 17.0](/web/image/11703/odoo-djinni-vacancy-job.png)
Further synchronization will be performed automatically using cron tasks:
- Job vacancy details and job applications are synced every 30 minutes. This period can be adjusted by system administrators.
- Other cron task syncs the common catalogs once a day.
You can post a new vacancy from Odoo, to perfom that, create a new job or use some job that is not linked to Djinni. Choose the "Sync with Djinni" action from the Actions menu.
![Cинхронізація вакансій Джині створення нової в Odoo 17.0](/web/image/11699/odoo-djinni-job-adding.png)
In the wizard, fill in all required options for this vacancy.
![Публікація вакансії на Djinni з Odoo 17.0](/web/image/11700/odoo-djinni-job-posting.png)
Add your vacancy description using HTML markup.
![Опис вакансії для Djinni в Odoo 17.0](/web/image/11704/odoo-djinni-vacancy-description.png)
And on the final "Quiz" tab, add your questions for vacancy candidates if it's required.
![Контрольні запитання до Djinni вакансії в Odoo 17.0](/web/image/11701/odoo-djinni-vacancy-quiz.png)
After filling in all the required information, click on the Create button to add the vacancy on the Djinni side.
You can use the same action, Sync with Djinni, to edit or change the job options on the Djinni side for the already linked vacancies.
After making changes, click on the Sync button to synchronize.
![Налаштування Djinni в Odoo 17.0](/web/image/11702/odoo-djinni-settings.png)
To deactivate a vacancy on Djinni side, just archive the job in Odoo.
If you delete a job in Odoo, the linked Djinni vacancy will be deleted as well.