Sales Reports for Ukraine
The Odoo software module "Sales Reports for Ukraine"
Module Features
Filling legal fields
Follow these instructions from our module UA Partner Legal Fields to fill in the legal information of the company and partners:
To configure document custom sequences or define the printing of a signature:
- Go to the Invoicing - Configuration - Settings menu.
- The custom sequence links are in the Printable Reports for Ukraine section.
- Choose the type of a Document Signer, if you want to print a signature on the PDF documents.
- Save the changes.

To generate a PDF report from a sale order:
- Create a sale order and fill in order data.
- Click on Reserve number, if you need to use the custom sequence for this order.

- Click on Print and select the item Pro-forma Invoice UA.

- The following PDF report will be generated.

Invoice PDF Reports
After confirmation of the sale order and creating an invoice:
- Open the invoice. The custom number will be moved to this invoice if you reserve it in the sale order. Otherwise, you can reserve the number by clicking on Reserve number.
- Click on Print and select the item Customer Invoice to print the invoice PDF document.

- The following PDF report will be generated.

To generate a PDF report with products:
- Click on Reserve number on the tab Other info to use a custom sequence.
- Set the custom invoice date.

- Go to the menu Print and select the item Sales Invoice to print the PDF document with products.

- The following PDF report will be generated.

To generate a PDF report with services:
- Click on Reserve number on the tab Other info in the group Act of acceptance to use custom sequence.
- Set the custom invoice date for the act.

- Go to the menu Print and select the item Acceptance Act to print the PDF document with services.

- The following PDF report will be generated.