How to connect Google Calendar to Odoo

Configuration steps to synchronize Odoo with Google Calendar

The Odoo calendar sync with Google Calendar functionality is built into this ERP system, but often the setup process is quite complicated and requires additional, more detailed explanations.

In this post, we have tried to cover all configuration steps and show the connection process for the latest Odoo version 16.0.

Google API credentials

To connect Google Calendar with Odoo, go by the link Google Cloud and create a new project or select an existing one.

Google API credentials

The next action is Enable APIs and Services.

Google API credentials

You need to select the Google Calendar API and enable it.

Google API credentials
Google API credentials

Now click on the "Create Credentials" to get API Client ID and Secret.

Google API credentials

This process contains four steps, choose credential type as User data at the first step, then click on the "Next".

Google API credentials

Add an app name and your e-mail address to the fields User support email and Developer contact information on the second step, after that, click on the Save and Continue button.

Google API credentials

You can skip the third step by clicking on Save and Continue.

On the fourth step, choose the application type as Web application, and provide a name for your OAuth2 client like "Odoo sync Google calendar" or another one. Click on the Add URI and specify your Odoo domain.

Google API credentials

Repeat the same in the Authorized redirect URIs section, but do not forget adding the following path /google_account/authentication after your domain name.

Google API credentials

Click to Create after you have finished. Credentials will be created, and you should go to the tab Credentials and copy the Client ID and Client Secret values.

Google API credentials
Google API credentials

OAuth consent screen

The important thing is allowing to use this Google API app for another Odoo users. You have two options to provide access to the app:

  • Restricted access for specific e-mails. In this case, you need to add all e-mail addresses to the test users list. You can do it in the "OAuth consent screen" settings page by adding e-mails in the "Test users" section.

OAuth consent screen
  • Allow your app for any Google user. It requires publishing your app and switch it to the production mode.

OAuth consent screen

After these actions, we could continue with Odoo settings.

Odoo settings

Adding API Credentials

Go to the menu "Settings" - "General Settings" and activate the option Google Calendar to initiate Odoo google calendar integration. Save settings and then fill in the fields Client ID and Client Secret.

Odoo settings

Connecting to Google by Odoo users

Odoo calendar sync google process can be started by clicking on the GOOGLE button from the Odoo Calendar app.

Odoo settings

Click on Connect in the popup window.

Odoo settings

If you app in the testing mode, you will see these consent screens, choose Continue on the both of them.

Odoo settings
Odoo settings

The consent windows could differ if the app is in the production mode, but you should allow using this app as well.

Calendar events will be synchronized with Google Calendar in both directions. Please note that when you create a calendar event on the Odoo side, it appears immediately on the Google calendar, and the opposite process may take some time. These Odoo Google calendar sync features should be taken in account while using this integration.

in Odoo
2907 26.01.2023
How to connect Google Calendar to Odoo
Yurii Razumovskyi

Entrepreneur, Odoo consultant, architect, developer, Ukrainian Odoo association member, OCA Member, Odoo Learning Partner.

How to connect Google Calendar to Odoo
Yurii Razumovskyi 26 January, 2023
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