Інтеграція Odoo OLX

Garazd Creation advert_olx https://garazd.biz/web/image/product.template/74/image_1920?unique=5473c87
  • Версія Odoo
  • Price

157,29 157,30 157.3 USD https://schema.org/NewCondition https://schema.org/InStock

6 485,00 грн

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Програмний модуль для системи Odoo "Інтеграція Odoo OLX"

Price: Paid

Manage OLX advertisements in Odoo


Businesses uses different channels for sales. To standard channels can be added marketplaces and advertise services, that extends the business possibilities and allows covering new segments of customers. This module provides integration with OLX advertising service: allow operating with accounts and adverts, getting advert statistics, and managing advertisements from Odoo.

The following operations can be performed with adverts:

  • Get existing adverts from OLX
  • Add a new advert from Odoo
  • Edit advert
  • Remove advert
  • Activate, deactivate advert
  • Add, remove advert images
  • Get advert statistics
  • Clean up advert statistics
Easy & Simple

Easy to activate and configure


Multi accounts support


Free 30 days support and 180 days bug-fixing

Try me

Demo & Test. Click on the "Live Preview" button

User Roles
There are two user roles to manage OLX advertisements in the module:
  • OLX User
  • OLX Administrator
Administrators have full rights to operate with adverts and change settings, users are granted to manage only adverts: to view, create, and edit them.
OLX Settings

Go to the Odoo menu "OLX" - "Configuration" - "Applications" and create a new one or configure the default application.

Specify a country at the first, then follow these steps to get OLX API credentials:

Go to the url https://developer.olx.ua and create an App by clicking on the "Add App" button.
Then fill in the required fields and the field "Redirect uri", by coping a URL from the field "Callback URL" in Odoo.
Odoo 17.0 Odoo OLX Integration
After that, copy the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" to Odoo.
Odoo 17.0 Odoo OLX Integration
Click the "Authorize" button to get API credentials.
In the end, your OLX account will be created in Odoo and all account data will be uploaded.
Initial Setup
Sync Catalogs
Firstly, run the catalog synchronization task from an OLX Application action menu.
Odoo 17.0 Odoo OLX Integration
Create an advert
Go to the menu "OLX" - "Adverts" and create a new advert.
Fill in the required field:
Odoo 17.0 Odoo OLX Integration add new advert
To select category attribute values, click the "Select" buttons.
Save the changes.
Add images
Click the button "Images" and create new attachments:
Odoo 17.0 Odoo OLX Integration add image
Sinchronization with OLX
After all necessary information will be filled in, synchronize the advert with OLX by clicking on the "Sync".
Odoo 17.0 Odoo OLX Integration synchronize
The advert will be uploaded to OLX:
Odoo 17.0 Odoo OLX Integration synchronize

Підтримка декількох акаунтів OLX

Дозволяє додавати та керувати будь-якою кількістю облікових записів OLX для роботи з оголошеннями.

Синхронізація основних та персональних довідників

Автоматична синхронізація, не потребує ручного керування.

Легко налаштовується

Інтуїтивно зрозумілий інтерфейс для роботи з OLX.

Сумісність з іншими модулями системи

Модуль буде мати сумісність з HR функціоналом Odoo.

Переглянуті товари за останній час
