Google Tag Manager Conversion Tracking

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Програмний модуль для системи Odoo "Google Tag Manager Conversion Tracking"

Advanced conversion tracking for Odoo websites via Google Tag Manager


There are several ways to collect tracking data on your Odoo website and send it to Google. The Google Tag Manager is a way to send tracking data via DataLayer, that is preferred by marketers and advanced users, who have experience with configuring tags on the GTM side.

However, a process of manual relations building between website CSS selectors and GTM triggers is quite complicated and takes a time. Various ready-made GTM integrations CMS providers simplify this process and allow you to quickly start tracking conversions on your website.

On Odoo websites, if you prefer using of the Google Tag Manager to integrate with analytical and advertising services, this solution provides you with convenient tools and can save time.

You can use Odoo e-Commerce events, like as "view_item", "add_to_cart", "begin_checkout", "purchase", and others, to set up conversion actions and send tracking data about your products and hashed users' data to Google, for getting enhanced conversions and track dynamic conversion values.

The module allows you to configure tracking events via Odoo UI, without additional development on your website, and allows minimizing of manual configuring actions on the GTM side.

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Enable Website Tracking
Go to the menu "Website" - "Configuration" - "Settings" and activate the related option in the "Tracking" section.
Odoo Website tracking activate in 17.0
Sensitive data cleaning up

The solution cleans sensitive tracking data such as payload, client IP address, and user agent. You can control the period after which the purging is performed. By default, it's 30 days.

Additionally, you can activate the "Completely delete log entries older than the specified period" option to remove all internal tracking log records after this time.

Adding a tracking service

Click on the "Manage Tracking Services" link in the Settings view, or go to the "Configuration" - "Tracking" - "Services" menu and create a new tracking service for your Odoo website.

Odoo 17.0 Google Tag Manager activate tracking service
  • Specify a website (if you have a multi-website environment).
  • Select the service type "Google Tag Manager".
  • Fill in your container ID.
Log events in Odoo

If you want to get data about tracking events in Odoo, activate the "Internal Logs" option. To view the log records related to the current service, click the "Logs" button at the top of the form.

Odoo Google Analytics 4 tracking - internal logging in 17.0
Enhanced conversions
To set up enhanced conversions in Google Tag Manager, activate the "Allow Enhanced Conversions" option on the "Advanced Matching" tab.
Set up enhanced conversions in Google Tag Manager in Odoo 17.0
The following user-provided data can be sent to Google, in case when you activate the appropriated options in the tracking service:
Data Field Parameter Name Description Example
Email address sha256_email_address Hashed user email. Raw value: | Hashed value: a8af8341993604f29cd4e0e5a5a4b5d48c575436c38b28abbfd7d481f345d5db
Phone number sha256_phone_number User phone number that is converted in E.164 format, including a plus sign (+) prefix and country code with no dashes, parentheses, or spaces. Raw value: +380500000000 | Hashed value: e9d3eef677f9a3b19820f92696be53d646ac4cea500e5f8fd08b00bc6ac773b1
Street address address.street User street address. 123 Sun Street, 7
City User city name. Kyiv
Region address.region User province, state, or region. Kyivska
Postal code address.postal_code User post code. 12345
Country User country code with 2 letters according to the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. UA
Product Data
The solution tracks events in Odoo eCommerce, fulfills them with product data and send to Google through DataLayer in the "ecommerce" parameter.
Odoo e-Commerce product and transaction data 17.0

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