UA Partner Legal Fields

Garazd Creation l10n_ua_partner_legal
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Програмний модуль для системи Odoo "UA Partner Legal Fields"

Price: Free


Module Features

Adds Ukrainian legal fields for partners
Easy to use

Module Features

Adds Ukrainian legal fields for partners
Easy to use


To setup your company data follow these steps:

  • Open the Partners list.
  • Select and open a partner associated with your company.
  • Fill in legal fields on the tab Sales and Purchases.
Odoo 13.0 UA Partner Legal Fields ukrainian partner legal fields configuration

Filling partner fiscal fields:

  • Fill in fiscal fields in the field group "Fiscal Information".
  • Save the changes.
Odoo 13.0 UA Partner Legal Fields ukrainian partner legal fields configuration

Adding a signature of a company director:

  • Upload the signature.
  • Save the changes.
Odoo 13.0 UA Partner Legal Fields ukrainian company signature of director

Watch the Video Tutorial

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