Snapchat Pixel Events Tracking

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Програмний модуль для системи Odoo "Snapchat Pixel Events Tracking"

Track your Odoo e-Commerce events to enrich your Snapchat Ads via Snap Pixel SDK


There are several ways to integrate Odoo with Snapchat Business to get tracking data:

  • Partner Integrations
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Snap Pixel
  • Snapchat Conversions API
Partner Integration

Currently, Snapchat does not provide a ready-made partner integration for Odoo.

Google Tag Manager

Integration of the Snapchat Pixel can be implemented with the Google Tag Manager. This work usually requires professional skills of Google Tag Manager using, and takes time to adjustments and testing.

Snap Pixel

Snap Pixel or Pixel SDK, this approach is implemented in the current Odoo app. It allows you to start with your Odoo website tracking in a short time and is covered with support and assistance.

Snapchat Conversions API

Snapchat Conversions API or Conversions API SDK — the server-side integration that uses the Snapchat Marketing API to send tracking data via Conversions API. This type of integration will be provided soon as a server-side tracking solution by our company.

Multiple Pixels

Connect the necessary number of pixels for each Odoo website

Internal Logging

Log tracking events of website visitors in Odoo


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Enable Website Tracking
Go to the menu "Website" - "Configuration" - "Settings" and activate the related option in the "Tracking" section.
Odoo Website tracking activate in 18.0
Sensitive data cleaning up

The solution cleans sensitive tracking data such as payload, client IP address, and user agent. You can control the period after which the purging is performed. By default, it's 30 days.

Additionally, you can activate the "Completely delete log entries older than the specified period" option to remove all internal tracking log records after this time.

Customer Names

When you are going to use the Advanced Matching and send your website customers' names in the tracking data, specify the order of the first and the last names. As, in some countries, a partner name can start with the first name, and with the last name in others.

Adding a tracking service

Click on the "Manage Tracking Services" link or go to the "Configuration" - "Tracking" - "Services" menu and create a new tracking service for your Odoo website.

Odoo Snap Pixel tracking - add a tracking service in 18.0
  • Specify a website (if you have a multi-website environment).
  • Select the service type Snapchat Pixel.
  • Fill in your Snap Pixel ID in the Key field.
Log events in Odoo

If you want to get data about tracking events in Odoo, activate the "Internal Logs" option. To view the log records related to the current service, click the "Logs" button at the top of the form.

Odoo 18.0 Snapchat Pixel with internal logging
Automated Matching

Enabling Automated Matching for Snapchat Pixel events should be done on both sides, in the Snapchat Business Events Manager and in Odoo.

Activate the "Automated matching Enabled" option on the final step when you setup your pixel in Snapchat.

Enable the Snap Pixel Automated Matching for Odoo 18.0

Repeat the related settings in Odoo, you can perform it on the "Advanced Matching" tab of the tracking service.

Odoo Snapchat Pixel with Automated Matching in 18.0

The Customer Data Source option determines where the solution gets the user data:

  • From the website visitor record. In this case, user data can be obtained if the visitor is logged in to the portal.
  • From the sales orders that this visitor has made before.
Testing by the Chrome extension

You can easily test the Odoo Snap Pixel integration via the Chrome extension "Snap Pixel Helper".

Snap Pixel Helper for Odoo 18.0

Download it by this link:

Found out the testing details in our YouTube manual.

Testing Particularities

As the Snap Pixel script does not have to send tracking data about a website activity of internal users, there are several testing tips:

  • You will not see the Snapchat Pixel script if you are logged in to Odoo and you have internal user's access rights.
  • Log out from the system or use the incognito mode or other browser to test Pixel script.
Monitoring events tracking

Monitor your Odoo website tracking by the Snapchat Pixel Events Manager to get analytics and get informed about performance and issues.

Odoo Snapchat Pixel Events Manager monitoring for 18.0

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