Settlements of Ukraine

Garazd Creation l10n_ua_city
  • Версія Odoo

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Програмний модуль для системи Odoo "Settlements of Ukraine"


List of cities, settlements and administrative-territorial units of Ukraine in Odoo from the KATOTTH register


KATOTTH or codifier of administrative-territorial units and territories of territorial communities is a Ukrainian national register of regions, territorial communities (hromada), and settlements.

There are five types of the register objects: regions, regional disctrics, territorial communities (hromada), settlements, city districts.

All objects have a unique code that includes "UA" and 17 digits after.

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First steps
After installing the module, the import wizard window will open. Click on the Import/Update button to process the codifier file by a URL.
Import settlements of Ukraine from the KATOTTH register in Odoo 17.0
Enforce cities
Next, you need to activate the Enforce Cities option for the country Ukraine. It allows you to select a partner city from a list, instead of just typing the city name.
Activate option Enforce cities for Ukraine in Odoo 17.0
Select a city from the list on partner form in Odoo 17.0
Territorial Object Lists
You can access KATOTTH registry objects from the menu "Contacts" - "Configuration" - "Localization" - "Ukraine". This menu section contains lists of territorial objects and allows you to run the import process again, to update objects.
KATOTTG register object list menu in Odoo 17.0
The register is updated periodically, so you can maintain it in the up-to-date state by re-importing. Open the Import wizard from the "Ukraine" menu section. To get the updated register file, go to this page, or use the "Click to get additional help" link on the wizard. You need to copy a URL of the latest codifier file and paste it to the URL field in the wizard.
Update KATOTTH objects in Odoo 17.0
Additionaly, activate the "Rewrite" option and click to the Import/Update to run the updating process. You can access KATOTTH registry objects from the menu "Contacts" - "Configuration" - "Localization" - "Ukraine". This menu section contains lists of territorial objects and allows you to run the import process again, to update objects.
Update KATOTTH objects in Odoo 17.0

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