Odoo Heureka XML Feeds

Garazd Creation product_data_feed_heureka https://garazd.biz/web/image/product.template/212/image_1920?unique=2708ee6
  • Версія Odoo

168,15 168,14 168.14000000000001 USD https://schema.org/NewCondition https://schema.org/InStock

6 933,00 грн

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Програмний модуль для системи Odoo "Odoo Heureka XML Feeds"

Connect to heureka!shops via Odoo XML data feeds


The simplest way to join to Huereka.cz marketplace is using the predefined XML data feeds for your Odoo products.

The Heureka XML feed is configured according to the official Heureka.cz documentation. The feed contains all the required and the most used feed columns, so you can start integrating in a short time.

The solution provides importing of Heureka product categories and product attributes, they can be managed on Odoo side. Your product data is generated in real-time each time when Heureka makes a request to your XML feed. This data contains the actual product price, product image URLs, product parameters ant other details.

Just configure your Heureka XML feed once and the actual data will be transferred continuously. This solution allows you to create and configure multiple XML feeds if it's required by your business needs.

Easy & Simple

Easy to activate and configure


Multi feed support


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Import Heureka categories and product parameters
After module installation, you need to import categories and product attributes from the Heureka.cz marketplace. Go to the menu "Website" - "Configuration" - "Heureka" and choose the "Import Categories" menu.
Odoo 17.0 import Heureka!shops category
Choose a language for category names and click to the "Import/Update", the process may take a time (about few minutes), after completing you will be redirected to the "Heureka" category list.
The same way you need to import Heureka product attributes, go to the menu "Website" - "Configuration" - "Heureka" and choose the "Import Attributes" menu.
Odoo 17.0 import Heureka.cz product attribute
Choose a language for product attribute names and click to the "Import/Update", the process may take a time (about few minutes), after completing you will be redirected to the "Heureka" product attribute list.
Specifying Heureka.cz product data
To configure Heureka specific data in your Odoo products, open a product form, and on the "Data Feeds" tab, in the "Heureka" section, specify a Heureka.cz product category.
Odoo 17.0 Heureka!shop product settings
After specifying the category, you can add attribute values specific for this Heureka.cz category. Click on the "Add attribute value" to open a wizard and set a Heureka attribute.
Odoo Heureka shops set attribute value in 17.0
Getting the Heureka XML feed URL
When you have completed with product settings, open the feed from the "Website" - "Products" - "Product Data Feeds" menu and copy the feed URL by clicking on "Copy Text".
Odoo Heureka.cz XML feed URL 17.0
Heureka XML Feed Sample
You can view your Heureka XML feed by clicking on the Download, the feed will be opened in a new wndow.
Odoo 17.0 Heureka XML fees sample

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