eCommerce Address Management

Garazd Creation website_sale_address
  • Версія Odoo
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51,06 51,06 51.06 USD

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Програмний модуль для системи Odoo "eCommerce Address Management"

Price: Paid

Simplify the Odoo express checkout process by managing address fields to be filled in


Using Odoo e-commerce, you can find out that you do not need to ask customers to fill in all address fields. In real, some fields are required another not, some fields are optional. Some companies can sell only within a certain country, and they do not need to force the buyer to fill in the appropriate field each time.

To resolve it, you can ask a developer to make changes to the website page or, the simplest way, to use this module. From the Odoo backend, the module allows you to activate billing and shipping fields, deactivate which is unnecessary, set required fields that you need, select default country.

Odoo checkout process can be optimized for your business needs, try this app to make sure.


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Multi-Website support


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Address fields management
Go to the menu "Website" - "Configuration" - "Websites" and select a website. Then configure the address fields on the eCommerce Address tab in the sections Billing Address Fields and Shipping Address Fields.
  1. You can hide or show fields by switching on/off these toggles.
  2. To set a field as required use these appropriated toggles.
  3. Select a default country and make it unchangeable if you need.
  4. The fields Zip Code and State are country-related. The property required depends on the default country and can be changed by system administrators only.
Save the changes.
Odoo 17.0 eCommerce Address Management configuration
The Billing and Shipping Address webpages after changes:
Odoo False eCommerce Address Management billing address webpage
The Billing Address webpage.
Odoo False eCommerce Address Management shipping address webpage
The Shipping Address webpage.
Odoo False eCommerce Address Management summary
B2B Fields
Use the built-in option "Show b2b fields" to hide or show the Company Name and TIN/VAT fields:
Odoo False eCommerce Address Management hide b2b fields tin vat

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