Google Analytics 4 eCommerce Wishlist

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  • Версія Odoo
  • Price

129,08 129,07 129.07 USD

5 390,00 грн

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Програмний модуль для системи Odoo "Google Analytics 4 eCommerce Wishlist"

Price: Paid

Tracking of the GA4 "Add to Wishlist" event on Odoo websites
This module extends the functionality of the module Google Analytics 4 eCommerce and adds the tracking of "Add To Wishlist" events:
  • add_to_wishlist: when a customer clicking on the Add to Wishlist button on a product or a product list page;
  • add_to_cart: when a customer clicking on the Add to Cart button on the "My Wishlist" page.
No Code

Activates Google Analytics 4 without coding


Multi-Website support


Free 30 days support and 180 days bug-fixing

Try me

Demo & Test. Click on the "Live Preview" button

Adding a tracking ID
Go to the menu "Website" - "Configuration" - "Settings" then:
  1. Activate the "Google Analytics" option.
  2. Then enter Tracking ID.
  3. Choose the product type which IDs you want to be used in the tracking events.
  4. Select a product category type what do you want to send to Google.
Save the changes.
Odoo 15.0 Google Analytics 4 eCommerce Wishlist configuration
How it works
Google Analytics 4 eCommerce Wishlist events will be fired on the product and product list web pages.
Odoo 15.0 Google Analytics 4 eCommerce Wishlist event add_to_wishlist Add To Wishlist

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